DP Flex Fit Equitation Trainer

My go to saddle for schooling.
— Brandy Newton

This saddle has been an absolute game changer for my program! It adjusts to fit all my growing horses making life so much easier for me and for them.

The DP Flex Fit Equitation Trainer has the DP Signature continually adjustable gullet!

The equitation seat is a standard feature for the Equitation Trainer, the fenders are set in more of a traditional equitation/dressage placement (further back than typical western saddles)

I absolutely love the equitation seat as it allows for my leg to hang freely from the hip (no ugly chair seat bad riding habits in this saddle) I love the feeling of being balanced and correct especially when schooling young horses or fine tuning my going horses.

Having my body in a correct position allows me to remain balanced so I can be precise with my aids and not confuse my horses.

Since schooling in this saddle my horses have improved so much, simply because I am not fighting an ill fitting saddle to stay balanced and can concentrate on my job and be clear and consistent with my aids.


Taking the time to find better fitting solutions for my horses has really paid off. My horses are so happy and comfortable which allows for them to not only enjoy their rides more but also learn quicker without their mind being focused on discomfort.

This saddle is completely customisable, go full roughout for an everyday training saddle or deck it out with all the bells and whistles to look gorgeous in the show pen.

This is the first DP saddle that I bought and the quality of the leather, hardware and craftsmanship is far superior to anything I had ever bought before, it is the reason I became a certified dealer for DP Saddlery.

Contact me if you are interested in taking a look at a demo saddle and learning more about the incredible DP Saddle brand.


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