Finding Flow

For me it’s a constant effort to find that flow state and take control of stress & anxiety.

Take roller skating for example…why is it not a normal occurrence for a 32yr old woman to buy some roller skates and be a part of her local community by herself when her partner is away?

It’s like we reach a certain age and all of a sudden all the things we used to love to do for fun and our hobbies are childish and we are conditioned to believe we need to “grow up”. I couldn’t disagree more.

I honestly believe the things that make us laugh and smile, continue to challenge us and keep us learning, moving and using our bodies are so incredibly important! Especially as an adult!

Everyone is addicted to something in some form in order to cope in the high stress unnatural world we currently live in so why not be addicted to learning, challenging ourselves, creating and having fun instead of negative things that hurt us and those around us?

I am not perfect, none of us are which is the beautiful thing, so why do feel like we can’t put ourselves out there in a way that goes against what society has confined us to?

I hadn’t been roller skating in years, over 15years! So when I saw there was an effort to provide our local kids and community with something that I used to enjoy as a kid I just had to go and support it. I got there and was so nervous, I was worried what people would think since I’m a grown ass adult going by myself, I had no idea if I could even remember how to skate and not to mention the insidious fear that creeps in about getting hurt.

I thought what the actual fuck am I doing here?

Then I saw a little girl around 6years old tearing around the floor with her flashing light up roller skates. She was wearing a sparkly pink dress with a leopard print coat and matching ears & tail with complimenting fringe tassel pants. I mean talk about a vibe!!

Free and fearless I watched this kid just own it! I was reminded of Glennon Doyle’s book Untamed and I thought to myself heck I’m a fucking cowgirl, I start horses for a living and I put myself in front of people to sing why the hell are you scared of putting on a pair of roller skates or what people might think of you?

I want kids to see me as an adult out there having fun and chasing my dreams so they know its ok to keep that side of them as they grow up.

So I stood up and wobbled a bit, had another mini panic about how I can’t get hurt because I have to work blah blah blah….I made eye contact with a couple of mums sitting on the bench beside me and I said “just like riding a bike hey?” We all laughed and smiled and I slowly moved off.

I could not believe the stress, tension and stiffness in my body and the anxiety in my mind it was literally crippling! I understood that in order to find a flow state with anything in life we have to control our thoughts and emotions, exactly the work I had done in order to be the partner my horses needed is the same work required to do anything including roller skating.

We have to let go and be free and fearless like a kid. We have to control our thoughts and emotions in order for our body to work in a relaxed state which is what will ultimately keep us safe.

When you can slow your mind and relax your body that is when you are in control, you think more clearly and are able to make better decisions in each moment.

I look forward to my roller skating nights because it’s a chance to see where my mind and body is at and each time I go it takes less time to find that flow state.

It’s the same thing when learning to go at heights on the construction site. It’s all about having control of myself, the same control I must establish for myself in order to show up for the horse in the way that he needs.

My life has been a constant exploration of myself in order to find flow and peace within my mind and body, to become more present and find a way to explain what I have learned to others so they enjoy peace in their lives too.

Life is amazing when we let go of fear and start living in each moment, embrace it.


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